Making the Most of This Issue
January 2001

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Jan. 2001, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

January 2001

To the Youth of the World

President Gordon B. Hinckley gave youth of the Church six B’s to live by—be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, and be prayerful—and offered a special prayer in their behalf during a fireside on 12 November. Youth throughout the Western Hemisphere heard the prophet speak live during the satellite broadcast from the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. For the text of his remarks, see p. 2.

Helps for Getting Out of Debt

Despite resolves to get out of debt, many find their best efforts stymied unless honesty with oneself comes first. See “Debt Doesn’t Have to Be Forever,” p. 59.

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • Most stories from Latter-day Saint Voices can be used for family home evenings. If you want to teach your family about spiritual promptings, for example, start a discussion by reading “‘Please Help It Stop Bleeding,’” p. 69.

  • The small acts of kindness we do may be inspired actions that will make a big difference in someone else’s life. Read and discuss “Charity and the Cyclops Cake,” p. 70.

  • Do your children believe family history research is only for Mom and Dad? See how one couple involved the whole family, p. 75.

Background for This Year’s Gospel Doctrine Study

Marriage Tips

Do you want to build an even stronger marriage? Members tell of some very simple but effective ways that they did it. See p. 64.

Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on p. 2 and p. 74.
