“Encouraging Parents to Teach Their Children,” Ensign, Feb. 2001, 68
Encouraging Parents to Teach Their Children
In his message to fathers at the priesthood session of general conference on 7 October 2000, President Gordon B. Hinckley said that nothing will have so profound an impact on a father’s happiness as the way his children turn out (see “‘Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children,’” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 50). President Hinckley emphasized that youth need the help of their parents in resisting the evil that is all about them and suggested parents teach their children in the ways of the Lord. Indeed, parents are under divine command to bring up their children in light and truth (see D&C 93:40). Quorum and group leaders can assist parents by reviewing in quorum and group meetings the following teachings suggested by President Hinckley and encouraging parents to discuss these topics with their children.
Teach them to develop good friendships. Latter-day Saint youth should choose friends who will influence them for good.
Teach them the importance of education. Youth will be amply rewarded for their efforts to obtain an education. The Church will also be blessed by their increased capacities and skills.
Teach them self-respect. The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles discourage tattoos and the piercing of the body other than the minimal piercing of the ears by women for one pair of earrings.
Teach them to stay away from drugs. Those who use illegal drugs lose self-control and will do anything to feed their habit.
Teach them the virtue of honesty. A person who is honest enjoys a clean conscience and an unspotted reputation.
Teach them to be virtuous. Sexual urges must be controlled with unbending self-discipline.
Teach them to look forward to the time when they may be married in the house of the Lord. Youth should come to the marriage altar free of evil of any kind. Husbands should avoid situations and attitudes that can lead to divorce.
Teach them to pray. It is a miracle that we can approach God for individual help and guidance.
Photo by Steve Bunderson