undefined undefined Tabernacle Choir Sings in U.S. Inaugural Parade
Tabernacle Choir Sings in U.S. Inaugural Parade
March 2001

“Tabernacle Choir Sings in U.S. Inaugural Parade,” Ensign, Mar. 2001, 75

Tabernacle Choir Sings in U.S. Inaugural Parade

“God bless you,” U.S. President George W. Bush called out to members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir as they performed in the presidential inauguration parade on 20 January. The more than 300-voice choir rode on a 125-foot long float. This is the sixth time the choir has sung at U.S. inaugurations; earlier performances include those for Lyndon Johnson in 1965, Richard Nixon in 1969 and 1973, Ronald Reagan in 1981, and George Bush in 1989. The choir also provided free concerts on 19 and 21 January and broadcast its weekly Music and the Spoken Word program on 21 January at George Mason University’s Center for the Arts Concert Hall. (Photo courtesy AP/World Wide Photos.)