undefined undefined The Relief Society’s Role in Missionary Work, Retention, and Activation
The Relief Society’s Role in Missionary Work, Retention, and Activation
March 2001

“The Relief Society’s Role in Missionary Work, Retention, and Activation,” Ensign, Mar. 2001, 68

The Relief Society’s Role in Missionary Work, Retention, and Activation

A Relief Society presidency in an Asian country determined to visit every less-active sister in their ward. It was a daunting task, but they were determined. One visit was to a woman who had joined the Church more than 20 years earlier but had stopped attending shortly thereafter because she found it difficult to make friends and did not feel comfortable. During these years she often found herself thinking about the Church. She believed it to be the Lord’s true Church and was delighted to welcome these sisters into her home. She accepted their invitation to come to Relief Society.

President Gordon B. Hinckley has repeatedly pleaded with Church members to become actively involved in missionary work, the retention of new converts, and the activation of less-active members (see “Find the Lambs, Feed the Sheep,” Ensign, May 1999, 104–10).

As an auxiliary devoted to helping bring sisters and their families to Christ, the Relief Society can help with this effort in simple but profound ways. We invite Relief Society leaders to consider the following possibilities:

• Encourage sisters to cultivate friendships with women not of our faith and sisters new to Church activity.

• Encourage sisters to invite new members and less-active members into their homes.

• Invite sisters to church and make sure they never sit alone.

• Introduce sisters to others.

• Assign faithful visiting teachers to sisters investigating the Church as well as to new members and less-active members.

• Emphasize the valuable impact of visiting teaching.

• Visit every less-active sister in her home.

As sisters, we have special gifts for nurturing others. Is there any service more important than helping another person experience the light and love of the gospel? May we respond to President Hinckley’s plea by reaching out to all who fall within our sphere of influence.

Photo by Steve Bunderson