undefined undefined Two Missions Created in North America
Two Missions Created in North America
May 2001

“Two Missions Created in North America,” Ensign, May 2001, 111

Two Missions Created in North America

Two new missions, in Washington state and Mexico City, will be created on 1 July to accommodate Church growth.

The Washington Everett Mission, in the North America Northwest Area, will cover territory that has been included in the Washington Seattle Mission, from just north of the Seattle temple to the Canadian border. The new mission will include 10 stakes. A newly aligned Washington Seattle Mission will also include 10 stakes.

In the Mexico South Area, the Mexico Mexico City North, South, and East Missions will be realigned, and the Mexico Mexico City West Mission will be formed. This new mission will include about 9 million residents and 40,000 members in 13 stakes. Realigned north and south missions will each have 42,000 members in 14 stakes, and the east mission will have 44,000 members in 14 stakes.