He Assists without Abrogating Agency
June 2001

“He Assists without Abrogating Agency,” Ensign, June 2001, 74

He Assists without Abrogating Agency

“When one receives a prompting regarding a question asked in prayer or a feeling of love for other people or a confirming feeling during a person’s testimony, one should recognize that the Holy Ghost is at work. In addition, since the Holy Spirit represents the Savior, one should also recognize the ultimate source: the Redeemer of the world.

“Have you ever thought of the many roles played by the Holy Ghost in our lives? He is a cleanser, a guide, a teacher, a justifier, a healer, a witness, a comforter, a quickener, a revelator, a sealer, and a sanctifier. He is the key. He knows when we are obedient. He knows how to comfort us when in need; he knows how to assist without abrogating agency.”

Elder Merrill J. Bateman of the Seventy, “Christ Is the Reason,” devotional address, Brigham Young University, 16 Jan. 2001.