Making the Most of This Issue
July 2001

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, July 2001, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

July 2001

Taking the Word to All the World

Did you know that the Book of Mormon is now available to billions of people on earth? Latter-day Saint scriptures strengthen members on every inhabited continent, thanks to the Church’s efforts to take the revealed word of God to all His children. See “Taking the Scriptures to the World,” p. 24.

Music to the Soul

What is it about sacred music that stirs our souls and invites the Spirit? For thoughts on this topic and the inspiring story of one young life, see “The Power of Hymns,” by Elder Merrill J. Bateman of the Seventy, p. 14.

Family Time

  • What are you going to do for your next family home evening? Try turning an article from a Church magazine into a discussion. See “Need a Family Discussion?” p. 62. Families with young children also can base home evening lessons on the monthly Primary theme. See p. 71.

  • Want a simple, effective way to help your children learn about their ancestors? See p. 70.

  • Are your vacation funds tight? Try an alternative, less-expensive vacation that helps you teach your children how to manage money. See p. 70.

  • Most stories from Latter-day Saint Voices can be used for family home evenings. If you want to teach your family about serving others, for example, start a discussion by reading “A Friend to Ease Our Burden,” p. 57.

  • Teach your family about seeing others as Heavenly Father sees them. Read and discuss “I Saw beyond the Prison Bars,” p. 61.

Protecting Yourself from the Plague

What would you do if there was a deadly disease sweeping through your community? Learn how to protect yourself and your family from pornography. See p. 2.

Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on p. 2 and p. 69.

Want to Be a Better Father?

Looking for ways to strengthen your relationship with your children? See “One-on-One with Dad,” p. 32.

Did You Know?

Some families keep art from inside front and back Ensign covers on file for future use in teaching family home evening lessons or for lessons in Church classrooms. Articles such as “From High Hopes to Despair: The Missouri Period, 1831–39” (p. 44), with its ample use of photos and illustrations, can also be helpful later in teaching, as can art packages that are printed in the magazine. Each year, Ensign support of the Sunday School course of study offers many valuable illustrations that can be saved for use in teaching. This year’s course is the Doctrine and Covenants and Church history.
