Making the Most of This Issue
August 2001

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Aug. 2001, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

August 2001

Lift Up Your Voice and Sing!

Want to lift your spirits? Whether or not you have had musical training, participation in ward choir can enrich your life. See p. 42.

Strengthening Your Family

  • Begin a family discussion about recognizing God’s hand in our lives by reading “A Wrong Turn at the Right Place,” p. 62.

  • Discover how to use the missionary discussions to prepare your child for baptism. See p. 68.

  • Want to help your family learn to enjoy keeping the Sabbath and taking part in family home evening? One family shares five ideas that can help, p. 69.

Do You Really Know Who You Are?

Honoring our identity as children of God and observing gospel priorities can qualify us for the blessings of heaven, Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explains. “Some people on life’s journey forget who they really are and what is really important,” he says. “Without sure identity and priority, blessings that matter most are at the mercy of things that matter least.” See p. 6.

The Seven Sites of Church Headquarters

Can you name the seven places where the Church has had its headquarters since 1830? Revelations that are part of the Doctrine and Covenants were received at each of these locations. See p. 52.

“Tangled in the Web”

Turn to page 48 to see how a young mother took control of herself after letting the Internet consume much of her time.

Food Storage: Putting away an Elephant

“How do you store an elephant? One can at a time.” Three simple tips on p. 68 can help you finance your food storage.

Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on p. 2 and p. 70.

Blessings of Marriage

Marriage based on eternal principles can help convey blessings of health and well-being. See p. 28.

Did You Know?

Did you know you could be one of the Ensign authors one month? Contributions on specific topics are requested periodically via a “Call for Articles” printed in the Comment section near the back of the magazine. Unsolicited contributions are also accepted for review. Send manuscripts to the addresses listed on the magazine’s contents page: 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3224, or ensign@ldschurch.org. If you would like to have your manuscript returned, please be sure to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
