Making the Most of This Issue
September 2001

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Sept. 2001, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

September 2001

Family Time

  • How can you teach the plan of life and salvation to your children? Try a puzzle, a chart, a drawing, a diagram, an activity, or one of other interesting and memorable ways found on pp. 32–39.

  • Does a family of two really need to have family home evening? Yes! Find out what it did for a single mother and her toddler, p. 67.

  • How can you help your children recognize Church leaders and learn their names? Before each conference, one family posts pictures in the home and holds a special family home evening. Learn more on p. 71.

When a Child Strays

Just cannot get through to your wayward child, despite all your worrying and fretting, pleading and lecturing? Learn how one woman found answers in working with her daughter, p. 26.

Getting More from Sacrament Meeting

Are you getting enough out of sacrament meeting? Learn how to get more—much more—by understanding fully the privilege of renewing your covenants and receiving the spiritual benefits of the Atonement. See p. 22.

Live for the Lord’s Help

“The price of discipleship is personal courage,” writes President Gordon B. Hinckley, but when we live up to our convictions despite challenges from the world, we have the Lord’s promise of guidance and sustaining strength. See “Living with Our Convictions,” p. 2.

Making a Way to Do Family History

You say you don’t know how to use the newest tools of family history research or you don’t have time to do family history because you’re a busy young mother? See how one stake in Alaska found solutions. See p. 48.

Ending the Cycle of Abuse

The abuse that was part of a woman’s childhood became part of her life as a mother—until she found out how her heritage as a child of Heavenly Father could help her change. See “Let It End with Me,” p. 61.

Want to Be Happier? Give Thanks

“Those who live in thanksgiving daily … are usually among the world’s happiest people,” writes Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Find out how a grateful attitude can bless your life. See p. 6.

Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on p. 2 and p. 69.

Did You Know?

The colophon (left column on the contents page) contains a wealth of information, ranging from facts about cover art to how you can submit items for publication. In addition, the colophon lists Church leaders who direct the magazine, information on how you can subscribe, and, if you have visual impairment or a physical disability that prevents reading the printed version, information on how to get the magazine on tape.
