undefined undefined Merlin R. Lybbert, Former Seventy, Dies
Merlin R. Lybbert, Former Seventy, Dies
September 2001

“Merlin R. Lybbert, Former Seventy, Dies,” Ensign, Sept. 2001, 79

Merlin R. Lybbert, Former Seventy, Dies

Merlin Rex Lybbert, who served as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy from April 1989 to October 1994, died on 6 July in Salt Lake City at age 75.

He had been president of the Cardston Alberta Temple for three years following his release as a member of the Seventy. Previously, he had served as a high councilor, bishop, stake president, and regional representative.

He worked professionally as an attorney for almost 35 years before being called to full-time Church service. Born on 31 January 1926 in Cardston, he was a son of Charles Lester Lybbert and Delvia Reed. He married Nola Cahoon on 26 May 1949 in the Cardston Alberta Temple, and they are the parents of six children.