“Morning Manna (Mosiah 7:19)” Ensign, Sept. 2001, 29
Morning Manna
(Mosiah 7:19)
Early I arise to seek my morning manna
Before the sun outlines the day’s temporal claims and
Melts my intent.
Precious sustenance has rained before my day from
Heaven and lies generously scattered in tissue wafers
Free for the gathering.
Laying open the sacred books, I sift the living words.
Silently I grind and beat and bake them into
Fragrant, warm cakes—
Color of bdellium, tasting of honey and fresh oil.
Gratefully I consume the day’s sweet ration
Offered to preserve
Me in my wilderness wanderings. Why should I weep
For the feasts of Egypt or mourn for the rich meats
Of Babylon?
I desire only this simple morning miracle
Of living bread. It will satisfy until I sit
And sup in Canaan.
Electronic composition by Mark G. Budd; background: Photo © Dynamic Graphics