Latter-day Prophets Speak: Strengthening the Home
October 2001

“Latter-day Prophets Speak: Strengthening the Home,” Ensign, Oct. 2001, 9

Latter-day Prophets Speak:

Strengthening the Home

John Taylor
Third President of the Church

John Taylor

“Do you have prayers in your family? … And when you do, do you go through the operation like the grinding of a piece of machinery, or do you bow in meekness and with a sincere desire to seek the blessing of God upon you and your household? That is the way that we ought to do, and cultivate a spirit of devotion and trust in God, dedicating ourselves to him, and seeking his blessings” (The Gospel Kingdom, sel. G. Homer Durham [1987], 284).

Joseph F. Smith
Sixth President of the Church

Joseph F. Smith

“What then is an ideal home—a model home such as it should be the ambition of the Latter-day Saints to build? … It is one in which all worldly considerations are secondary. One in which the father is devoted to the family with which God has blessed him, counting them of first importance; and in which they, in turn, permit him to live in their hearts. One in which there is confidence, union, love, sacred devotion, between father and mother, and children and parents. One in which the mother takes every pleasure in her children supported by the father—all being moral, pure, God-fearing” (“The Ideal Home,” Improvement Era, Mar. 1905, 387).

Heber J. Grant
Seventh President of the Church

Heber J. Grant

“If there is any one thing that will bring peace and contentment into the human heart, and into the family, it is to live within our means, and if there is any one thing that is grinding, and discouraging and disheartening it is to have debts and obligations that one cannot meet” (Relief Society Magazine, May 1932, 302).

George Albert Smith
Eighth President of the Church

George Albert Smith

“We cannot force people into doing things, but we may love them into doing what is right, and into righteousness” (quoted by Elder Arwell L. Pierce in Conference Report, Apr. 1951, 114).

Spencer W. Kimball
Twelfth President of the Church

Spencer W. Kimball

“An evening home with the family or an evening out to some place of interest with your family only partly solves the need of the home evening. Basically important is the teaching of the children the way of life that is vitally important. Merely going to a show or a party together, or fishing, only half satisfies the real need, but to stay home and teach the children the gospel, the scriptures, and love for each other and love for their parents is most important” (“The Foundations of Righteousness,” Ensign, Nov. 1977, 4).

“Concerning the governing of our families, we have been correctly taught that the family council is the most basic council of the Church. Under the direction of the father and mother, who should also counsel together, family councils may discuss family matters, discuss family finances, make plans, and support and strengthen family members” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball [1982], 343–44).

Ezra Taft Benson
Thirteenth President of the Church

Ezra Taft Benson

“Family study of the scriptures should be the practice in our homes each Sabbath day.

“Daily devotionals are also a commendable practice, where scripture reading, singing of hymns, and family prayer are a part of our daily routine” (“Fundamentals of Enduring Family Relationships,” Ensign, Nov. 1982, 60).
