Using My Life’s Lessons
February 2002

“Using My Life’s Lessons,” Ensign, Feb. 2002, 66

Using My Life’s Lessons

One day while reading through the journals I kept through my college and newlywed years, I discovered that I had forgotten many important experiences, gospel insights, and answers to prayer I had received at that time in my life. As I read and relived those moments in time, I decided I didn’t want to lay them on the shelf to be forgotten again. I wanted a way to resource my own personal experiences so I could use them as a device in any teaching opportunity I might have. I decided to go through my journals and write a brief description in the margins of what each entry contained. For example, next to an entry containing my reflections on a book about faith, I wrote “thoughts on faith.” Now when I prepare a lesson or talk on faith, I can easily find this entry and recall my personal experiences and insights. Doing this helped prepare my journal as a future reference tool.

To make it easier for me to access all my ongoing experiences, I now jot down a summary in the margin after I finish writing in my journal.—Jennifer Pearson Cloward, Cedar Hills Fourth Ward, Pleasant Grove Utah Manila Stake

Illustrated by Joe Flores