undefined undefined Stake Missions Recently Dissolved
Stake Missions Recently Dissolved
June 2002

“Stake Missions Recently Dissolved,” Ensign, June 2002, 76

Stake Missions Recently Dissolved

In an effort to bolster member missionary and fellowshipping efforts, the First Presidency recently dissolved stake missions and instructed bishops and branch presidents to directly oversee all missionary and retention responsibilities in their units. By dissolving stake missions, the responsibility and accountability for missionary work now rests with individual wards and branches.

The callings of ward mission leader and ward missionary will now be extended on a ward level rather than a stake level, under the direction of the bishop or branch president. Ward mission leaders will report directly to the bishop rather than a stake leader and will continue to coordinate the missionary efforts of the unit.

Ward missionaries will continue to prepare people to be taught the gospel, fellowship investigators and new members, teach new-member discussions, and encourage members. Callings are no longer issued for a specified term of service, and ward missionaries no longer wear nametags.