undefined undefined President Hinckley Speaks to Children through New Video
President Hinckley Speaks to Children through New Video
July 2002

“President Hinckley Speaks to Children through New Video,” Ensign, July 2002, 75

President Hinckley Speaks to Children through New Video

Imagine what it could do for the children of the Church to have President Gordon B. Hinckley visit each ward’s Primary. This is now possible through a new Church video titled Sharing Time with President Gordon B. Hinckley.

“In recent years President Hinckley has given special talks to the youth, mothers, and fathers of the Church. Now he has chosen to speak to every child of the Church through this video,” says Gayle M. Clegg, second counselor in the Primary general presidency.

The eight-minute video features President Hinckley teaching children in Primary Sharing Time. The President shares with the children his own childhood experiences in learning and living the principles of the gospel. He speaks of tithing, temples, the blessings of Church membership, and eternal families. As he shares his experiences, childhood photos of President Hinckley appear in the video. The presentation concludes with President Hinckley’s personal testimony and blessing for the children of the Church.

A copy of the video was recently mailed to Church units throughout the world so that it can be used in various Primary settings, including Sharing Time, lessons, and Achievement Days. But Sharing Time with President Gordon B. Hinckley (item no. 53331; U.S. $3.00) can also be purchased for home use. Coleen K. Menlove, Primary general president, says, “We can see it being used beyond Primary settings. Parents can play it and see President Hinckley teaching their children in their own home.”

The video is available in 22 languages. To obtain a copy, contact your local distribution center or visit the Church Web site www.ldscatalog.com.

A scene from the new video in which President Hinckley shares with children his own experiences in living the gospel as a child.