Making the Most of This Issue
August 2002

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Aug. 2002, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

August 2002

To Strengthen Your Family

  • Stories from Latter-day Saint Voices can help you teach important gospel principles. For an example of how the Holy Ghost can protect and guide us, read “Don’t Go through the Alley!” page 68.

  • Begin a discussion about music and its effect on us by reading “The Music of Peace—in Prison,” page 70.

  • Want some variety in your home evening? Why not hold it outdoors? It can be both fun and instructional. For ideas, including a way your family can “Follow the Liahona, see page 73.

Me, a Pioneer?

She was just a teenager when she became the first Church member in her family and one of the first Latter-day Saints in Taiwan. See page 11 for her story.

Will You Choose Happiness?

“Our success or failure, peace or discontent, happiness or misery depends upon the choices we make each day,” says Elder W. Craig Zwick of the Seventy. His suggestions and encouragement for making righteous choices begin on page 42.

The Visiting Teaching Difference

Three stories, three testimonies—but the same sisterhood, bringing blessings through visiting teaching. See pages 64–67.

Building Your Scripture Foundation

  • The passing of the mantle of authority from Elijah to Elisha teaches valuable lessons about how the Lord releases one Church leader and calls a new one. See page 24.

  • How can we avoid spiritual leprosy? The experiences of a powerful military leader and of a servant to a prophet offer valuable insights. Read about Naaman and Gehazi, page 27.

They Remembered When He Could Not

Alzheimer’s was taking his memory, and his wife struggled to care for him. See page 60 to learn how a ward remembered their needs.

What Do You Know about Kanesville?

As a major outfitting post for pioneers going west, Kanesville, Iowa, played a vital role in Latter-day Saint history. See page 14 for the fascinating story.

To Escape from Sin

A woman feels trapped by same-sex attraction and despairs of ever being worthy of Heavenly Father’s love. Can she find the peace she seeks? See page 48.

Are Your Records Safe?

Do you know where your family’s important records are? Organize them in a portable file, and you’re ready in case of an emergency. See page 72.

Help with Your History

Need help remembering dates and other information for your family history? Prepare a questionnaire and involve the whole family, page 72.

Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 63.

Did You Know?

You can view the Church magazines on-line either as text or as magazine pages. The Ensign, New Era, and Friend are available from their beginning in 1971 as HTML (text) files on the Church’s Web site www.lds.org. The Liahona, the Church’s international magazine, is available in English from 1977. All four of the magazines are available as PDF (full-page format) files from January 2001.