undefined undefined Comment
September 2002

“Comment,” Ensign, Sept. 2002, 79


Nauvoo Temple

I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful magazine. I’m particularly thankful for the July 2002 issue featuring articles on the Nauvoo Illinois Temple. How wonderful these articles were in helping prepare me for the temple’s dedication. What a powerful witness the Spirit bore regarding the rebirth of this historic, sacred building.

Thanks once again for the Spirit-filled articles that have deepened my understanding of and appreciation for the early Saints’ sacrifices and the sacrifices of today’s Saints as well in the rebuilding of this sacred, holy house of God.

Michelle Piercy
Greencastle, Pennsylvania

Isaac Was Not a Child

While the picture on page 25 of the June 2002 Ensign is moving, it regrettably perpetuates a falsehood that Isaac was a child at the time of his prospective sacrifice. This is likely not accurate, and people would miss one significant point: that Isaac, being an adult, could have easily stopped his aged father’s hand but chose to willingly submit to his father, as did the Savior. We do not have enough detail to know Isaac’s age at the time, but it is likely he was not a child as depicted.

Boyd Peters
Fullarton, South Australia