undefined undefined Contents
October 2002

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 2002, 1


October 2002

Volume 32 Number 10

Inside front cover: Daniel’s Answer to the King, by Briton Riviere. Courtesy Manchester Art Gallery.

Inside back cover: Orson Hyde Dedicating the Holy Land, by Robert Barrett. Before daybreak on Sunday morning, 24 October, 1841, Orson Hyde quietly passed through the open gates of Jerusalem, crossed the Kidron Valley, and climbed the Mount of Olives. He wrote and offered up the prayer that officially dedicated the Holy Land for the return of the Jews and for the building of a future temple in Jerusalem. After this solemn experience, Orson erected a pile of stones as a witness of this occasion according to the ancient custom. This was the crowning event of Elder Hyde’s three-year, 20,000-mile missionary journey.