Making the Most of This Issue
January 2003

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Jan. 2003, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

January 2003

Teaching the Atonement

“The thing Christ seems most anxious to stress about His mission—beyond the personal virtues, beyond the magnificent sermons, and even beyond the healing—is that He submitted His will to the will of the Father,” writes Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He offers valuable ideas on teaching the Atonement in a way that will bring spiritual healing to those who hear. See page 32.

Understanding the Master’s Words

  • “To interpret a parable, one must study what it meant to them, there, then. To apply a parable, one must ponder what it means to me, here, now,” Frank F. Judd Jr. explains. See “The Priceless Parables,” page 56.

  • “Jesus was clearly concerned that His disciples learn to deny themselves of all unholy sexual desires,” writes Elder Sheldon F. Child of the Seventy. To learn more about what the Savior taught on this topic, see page 44.

  • A series of short parables about the establishment of the kingdom of God in the latter days can have personal meaning to us because in our own ways many of us have “lived” them or seen them fulfilled. See “Prophecy for Our Day,” by Elder Carl B. Pratt of the Seventy, page 60.

  • To help you put the Savior’s teachings and the significant events in His life into a historical context, see “New Testament Times at a Glance,” page 52.

Happily Ever After

Is your marriage challenged by disease or disability? Read how one couple finds happiness in marriage despite coping with debilitating illness. See “Two People Building for Eternity,” page 10.

Sharing the Gospel

There are many ways to share the gospel—being a good example for your neighbors, teaching Primary, strengthening a home teaching companion, or even talking with strangers at a bus stop. The stories in Latter-day Saint Voices, page 70, may give you a few ideas.

New Priesthood and Relief Society Manual

The Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society course of study for 2003 focuses on the teachings of President John Taylor. Read about his early life in England, his conversion, and his life of faithful service in “John Taylor: Defender of Truth,” page 20.

Be a Better Teacher

Learn how small group assignments can draw out more participation in your lessons. See “When Students Are the Teachers,” page 17.

Women in the Workforce

For a variety of reasons, women sometimes enter the workforce suddenly and without feeling very prepared. If you find yourself in this situation, the tips on page 68 might help you make this difficult transition.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 67.

Did You Know?

Because this year’s course of study in Sunday School is the New Testament, each issue of the Ensign will contain articles about specific principles the Savior or His Apostles taught. These articles can add depth to your gospel study and can also be adapted for family home evening lessons. In addition to articles in this issue (see pages 44, 48, 56, and 60), look for articles on New Testament teachings in issues throughout 2003.
