Lynette’s Testimony
April 2003

“Lynette’s Testimony,” Ensign, Apr. 2003, 70

Lynette’s Testimony

It was a beautiful day for a walk in California’s San Bernardino Mountains. Our seven children found walking sticks, and my husband, Mark, took the lead. We stopped to marvel at a spider meticulously spinning its web. We looked at the tall pine trees, stretching their branches to heaven. It seemed the birds were singing just for us.

At last we reached the perfect spot for a testimony meeting. We all sat on some old tree stumps forming a circle. Mark started by expressing his love for me and our children and by bearing his testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and the blessings of our temple marriage.

After I bore my testimony, each of the children, starting with the oldest, expressed love for us and for each other.

Finally it was time to hear from four-year-old Lynette, who had sat patiently for almost an hour with her thumb in her mouth. I asked, “Lynette, what are you thankful for?”

She looked up at me with her clear blue eyes and confidently answered, “I’m thankful for Jesus, because He loves me.”

We were all taken aback. For an hour we had expressed our love and appreciation for all we had, but we had failed to acknowledge that it is through the love and sacrifice of our Savior that we receive our blessings. Little Lynette, with the directness and innocence of a child, had cut through to the core of our beliefs.

Later I thought of the Savior gathering the little children about Him and saying, “Behold your little ones” (3 Ne. 17:23). How well our little one taught us that day!

  • Leah Poole Wright is a member of the Hyrum 11th Ward, Hyrum Utah Stake.
