Making the Most of This Issue
April 2003

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Apr. 2003, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

April 2003

Sharing the Gospel

  • Have you been looking for something to help you share your testimony of Jesus Christ with family or friends? It’s here, with Finding Faith in Jesus Christ, the DVD that came with this magazine. See page 8.

  • Each year at the Easter season, thousands of visitors stream onto the grounds of the Mesa Arizona Temple for the nightly pageant performances involving hundreds of Latter-day Saint volunteers. To read conversion stories from this missionary event in the Valley of the Sun, turn to page 38.

  • “If I had not become sick, I would still be searching for purpose in my life.” To see how a serious illness turned into a great blessing, turn to page 68.

Strengthening Your Family

  • Family prayer had become a time of frustration for one family. Turn to page 57 to see what they did to change frustration into peace.

  • One person’s determination to keep the Sabbath day holy can strengthen an entire family. See page 69.

  • Little children can teach their parents profound lessons. See “Lynette’s Testimony,” page 70.

  • How could a work-free Saturday increase your desire to keep the Sabbath holy? Turn to page 73 to find out.

Coming to Know the Savior

Sunday School classes will soon be discussing what happened during the final week of Jesus’ mortal life. This month’s issue contains several resources to deepen your understanding of the Savior:

  • The testimony of a modern prophet, seer, and revelator that He is risen, page 2.

  • Photographs of many sacred sites in Jerusalem, page 12.

  • An article featuring the words of Jesus on death and resurrection, page 22.

  • A time line of events, travels, sermons, miracles, and parables during His last days in mortality, page 26.

  • Two articles that challenge us to consider our response to the Savior’s dinner invitation, page 51 and page 64.

Blessings of the Restoration

“We are blessed to know things that simply transform the landscape of life,” writes Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In “The Wondrous Restoration,” he explores vital Restoration doctrines that can increase our enthusiasm for missionary work. See page 30.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 74.

Did you know?

Some families keep the art from inside front and back covers of the Ensign and articles like “Jerusalem” (page 12) for teaching lessons in family home evening or Church classrooms. Each year, the Ensign supports the Sunday School curriculum course of study—this year the New Testament—and offers many valuable illustrations for teaching at home and at church.
