undefined undefined Comment
June 2003

“Comment,” Ensign, June 2003, 79


Positive Depictions of Women

The March 2003 issue of the Ensign is one of the most beautiful issues I can recall seeing, as a subscriber to the magazine for more than a decade. Throughout the magazine are illustrations portraying beautiful, sensitive, and realistic representations of women as they are today, were in the past, and may become in the future. I found the illustrations to be uplifting, encouraging, and accurate in portrayals of women of the Church. For those women in the world who may be struggling with their identity, I believe this issue to be quite enlightening. My father used to say to me, “Remember who you are.” This beautiful issue is one I will refer to again and again for encouragement and support.
Randi L. Phillips
Citrus Heights, California

Unifying Effort

Thank you so much for streamlining the Ensign to help with the publication of the Liahona international magazine. I am currently working among the wonderful and humble Saints in Japan. The efforts to unify the Church worldwide are so greatly appreciated. They make gospel study so much easier for people who speak different languages. To be unified in learning the gospel of our Lord and Savior is such a wonderful blessing.
Elder McCord Larsen
Japan Sendai Mission

Across the Kilometers

Thank you for adding the metric equivalents in President Thomas S. Monson’s message in the January 2003 Ensign. Please continue. This is very helpful to those of us who enjoy reading Church publications in English but have problems “translating” the different measuring units. You have taken another step toward a truly international Church.
Terez Nilsson
Lund, Sweden

More Family Resources

Thank you so much for your articles in March 2003 about family home evening. I want to add one more thing to your list of lesson resources. In the Sunday School Class Member Study Guide, each weekly reading assignment includes a section called “Suggestions for Family Discussion.” We use this section as the basis for our home evening lessons each week and have found it to be very useful. It reinforces what we learned in church on Sunday and enhances our personal scripture study during the week. The discussions are short and to the point and usually include an object lesson, which helps keep our young children focused.
Lynae McKay
Derwood, Maryland