Making the Most of This Issue
August 2003

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Aug. 2003, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

August 2003

Strengthening Family Ties

  • Family history can seem overwhelming. Where do you start and how do you find the time? On page 12, President Boyd K. Packer shares his own story of how he found time to make family history part of daily life.

  • What makes your family ancestry unique? Elder John A. Harris of the Seventy shares several extraordinary experiences he had while seeking his ancestors from Uruguay, China, Peru, and Switzerland. See page 22.

  • The past really comes to life when you ask the right questions of the people who lived it. See “That Happened to You?” on page 26.

“Hot” FHE Tips

Hold family home evening around a backyard campfire? Why not? Learn how one family used a variety of ideas to enhance their Monday nights together, page 69.

Your Balancing Act

Ever wonder how you can possibly handle all the home, Church, and job responsibilities that seem to be competing for your time? You can do it—with careful planning and weighing of your eternal priorities. See “Seeking a Balanced Life,” by Elder Donald L. Hallstrom, page 52.

Between Resurrection and Ascension

After Christ’s Resurrection, what were the specific messages and instructions He chose to share with His disciples? See “Words of Jesus: Resurrection to Ascension,” page 36.

Wakened by a Whisper

Her husband was sure he had locked up the house for the night, but the prompting to check wouldn’t let her sleep. The next morning she discovered why. See “Lock the Back Door!” page 73.

Serving the Elderly

Getting old isn’t easy. Knowing how to relate to and help the elderly can be pretty challenging too. For ideas on how to help aged friends and family members feel valued and accepted, see “Of Walkers, Wheelchairs, and Wisdom,” page 8.

Help for Divorced Men

After divorce, many men feel a deep sense of failure and loss. For solid suggestions on how the gospel can help them find peace and emotional strength, see page 58.

Silver Question, Golden Contacts

Are you timid about sharing the gospel? Learn how one question can make a difference, page 68.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 67.

Did You Know?

If you work with the Aaronic Priesthood or Young Women, your lesson manuals are as up-to-date as you are. And you are up-to-date if you subscribe to and read the New Era. In addition to the supplementary articles listed in the Resource Guides in the May and November Ensign and New Era, each current issue of the New Era contains more articles and stories that will enrich and support the lessons you will be teaching in the weeks to come.
