“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 2003, 1 Ensign October 2003 Volume 33 Number 10 Contents First Presidency Message: Inspirational Thoughts President Gordon B. Hinckley Joy to the World Larry Hiller Timing Elder Dallin H. Oaks The Red Knit Scarf Hripsime Zatikyan Wright At Home with the Hinckleys Your Longing for Family Joy Elder Bruce C. Hafen In Good Company Lisa Ann Jackson Mesa Arizona Temple: The Gathering of Israel Parables of Jesus: The Unprofitable Servant Elder W. Rolfe Kerr Words of the Early Apostles: Grace Elder Christoffel Golden Jr. Questions and Answers: Ways to get more from general conference The Doctrine of Temple Work Elder David E. Sorensen Latter-day Saint Voices Mom, Are You There? Vickie Mason Randalls Visiting Teaching Message: Prepare to Meet God Random Sampler News of the Church Making the Most of This Issue Cover: Photography by Craig Dimond Inside front cover: About My Father’s Business, by Harry Anderson Inside back cover: Necessary for Salvation, by Clark Kelley Price. Latter-day Saint pioneers have chopped a hole in the ice so a Native American woman can be baptized by immersion. Family and friends reverently bow their heads. Though it is not a convenient time or place to be baptized, all realize that this ordinance is necessary for salvation.