undefined undefined Comment
October 2003

“Comment,” Ensign, Oct. 2003, 79


For Parents of “Perfect” Children

“Entrusted with Her Care” in the July 2003 Ensign (page 67) caused me to ponder about “special” children being sent to parents who can handle their challenges. I always wondered if, since all three of our children are free from mental and physical defects, Heavenly Father didn’t trust me and my wife with a challenging child. Then I heard the still, small voice whisper to me: “What about your oldest son, who isn’t attending church right now? I’ve entrusted to your care some of my precious children who need parents who can lead them back to my presence, which might be as big a challenge as coping with Down’s syndrome or cerebral palsy.” A powerful message for parents of physically and mentally “perfect” children who are wayward at this point in their lives.
Larry Beck
Tigard, Oregon

Ennobling Biography

I was extremely pleased to read the article on Emmeline B. Wells in the July 2003 Ensign (page 16). It was the first article I have ever read in this magazine that truly describes the type of well-rounded women we can and should be. It was the most ennobling and elevating biographical story of a woman I have read. I would like to see more articles of this nature, which not only focus on the important role of women as wives and mothers, but also on our ability and obligation to effect changes for good within our communities.
Laura Root
Boise, Idaho

Help for Family Home Evening

In reading the June 2003 Ensign and enjoying the articles on family home evening, I noticed there was no reference made to the Family Home Evening Resource Book or the Gospel Art Picture Kit as resources in teaching family home evening. Is the Church not encouraging use of these resources anymore? We find them to be invaluable and think they should be at the center of family home evening teaching.
Pete Charles
Medford, Oregon

Editor’s note: The Family Home Evening Resource Book (item no. 31106) and the Gospel Art Picture Kit (item no. 34730) are excellent resources for families to use in teaching the gospel during family home evening. They are available at distribution centers or online at www.ldscatalog.com.