undefined undefined Contents
November 2003

“Contents,” Ensign, Nov. 2003, 2


November 2003

Volume 33 Number 11


On the cover: Photography by Matthew Reier.


Inside front cover: The Journey Begins, by Glen S. Hopkinson. More than 12,000 people joined the Church in the British Isles from 1837 to 1847. Nearly 5,000 of them sailed from Liverpool, England, to America, beginning in 1840. They eventually made their way to Nauvoo, Illinois, in at least 36 companies.


Inside back cover: St. George Temple, by Roland Lee. Dedicated on 6 April 1877, the St. George Utah Temple became the first temple completed after the temple in Nauvoo. President Brigham Young called Elder Wilford Woodruff of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to serve as temple president. The first endowments for the dead were performed here.


Conference photography: Scenes of general conference in Salt Lake City were taken by Craig Dimond, Welden C. Andersen, John Luke, Matthew Reier, Kelly Larsen, Christina Smith, Allexis Duce, Mark Hedengren, Natalie Simpson, and Jed Wells; in Guatemala by Virna Rodríguez; in Hawaii by Lawrence Kawasaki; in Japan by Takuji Okada and Osamu Sekiguchi; in Poland by Lawrence G. Lewis; and in South Africa by Michael Lerios.