December 2003

“Comment,” Ensign, Dec. 2003, 70


Thomas L. Kane

Kudos to Elder Lance B. Wickman for his outstanding article about Colonel Thomas L. Kane—a God-sent benefactor to our people at a time when his excellent services were sorely needed (see September 2003 issue). And kudos to the Ensign staff—your layout and art are outstanding and your articles are timely and appropriate. It is a joy to receive the Ensign.
Martha S. Hatch
Socorro Ward
Los Lunas New Mexico Stake

Inspired Visiting Teaching Message

Recently, my visiting teachers were inspired to focus on this portion of the message: “In our lives there are unsettling seasons and circumstances when we are called upon to move out of our comfort zone and place complete trust in the Lord. As we … exercise faith in Jesus Christ, the Spirit becomes a trusted companion” (Ensign, Sept. 2003, 71). At present I am preparing for a move, and while I am doing all I can to make the adjustment a smooth one, there are a lot of details to take care of. Before my visiting teachers came to see me that day, an oppressive feeling had settled over me. They helped me realize that my complete trust needs to be placed in the Lord, as this move is an answer to prayer, and I must allow the Spirit to be more of a trusted companion. After their visit, the oppressive feeling was gone. Thank you for the inspired message and the comfort it brought.
Sharlie Carter
Louisville Sixth Ward
Louisville Kentucky Stake

After Divorce

I appreciate the article in the August 2003 Ensign, “After Divorce: Help for Latter-day Saint Men,” by A. Dean Byrd. As a mother who has experienced the pain of divorce, I know firsthand the associated trials that put us through the fiery furnace.

This article helped in two ways: it gave practical advice for both the person going through a divorce and loved ones on the sidelines, and it validated that there are other good people going through the divorce process. It helped me better understand some of the feelings my current husband is dealing with. Although his divorce was almost 10 years ago, the effects are felt for a lifetime.

The information about financial challenges, the impact on children, and the awkwardness sometimes exhibited at ward meetings was very helpful. Many people divorce because of someone else’s choices. Divorce leaves you feeling worthless, frustrated, helpless, and inadequate. Much is written to help widows and orphans, but precious little to help the divorced. This article is a good start. It brought to light many issues that tend to fester in the darkness, validated that one can still be a good person even after divorce, and gave some solid advice.
Linda Crandell
Dahlgren Branch
Fredericksburg Virginia Stake
