“Students Help Prepare for the Prophet,” Ensign, Jan. 2004, 75
Students Help Prepare for the Prophet
Latter-day Saints usually think of the prophet as serving the members of the Church, but occasionally members are in a position to serve him. On 19 October 2003 about 500 young single adults from the BYU—Hawaii First Stake descended upon the Polynesian Cultural Center to help the center’s staff prepare for a visit from President Gordon B. Hinckley.
October 2003 marked the 40th anniversary of the cultural center, and President Hinckley was to attend the celebration in commemoration of the anniversary. To prepare for the prophet’s visit, stake president Keith Pierce and his counselors coordinated with PCC officials in scheduling a cleanup.
The date was set for the Saturday prior to President Hinckley’s arrival. The Friday evening before, BYU—Hawaii held its annual Fall Ball in Honolulu, which meant many students got home quite late. But they made the effort and sacrifice to be ready to work at 6:45 A.M. to beautify the center’s villages, parking areas, and lagoon. With laughter and joking, they made their way through the facility, picking up rubbish and dead vegetation, weeding flower beds, and making the center sparkle.
Following the cleanup, the bishops of the 12 wards in the stake served breakfast to their tired and hungry ward members. After the students had eaten their fill, they still had enough energy to play games and enjoy the spirit of a morning well spent.
When President Hinckley arrived later in the week, members of BYU—Hawaii First Stake had the joy of knowing they had been of service to their beloved prophet.
Young single adults in the BYU—Hawaii First Stake prepare the Polynesian Cultural Center grounds for President Hinckley’s visit in October. (Photograph courtesy of S. Rick Crump.)