To Ephraim and Manasseh
February 2004

“To Ephraim and Manasseh,” Ensign, Feb. 2004, 15

To Ephraim and Manasseh

Remember …

… youthful Joseph,

elect and birthright blessed,

despised by his brethren.

Jealous of the coat

when obedient he came,

they conspired and cast him

struggling and stripped

into the pit nor heard

the anguished pleadings

of his soul but sold him

into Egypt as a slave.

… faithful Joseph,

honorable and pure,

prospered of the Lord

in Potiphar’s house.

He would not defile his

master’s bed, hearkened

not to temptation’s

persistent voice, refused

such wickedness and fled.

… fruitful Joseph,

wise and discreet.

Knowing dreams and plan of God,

he gathered from plenty corn and

wheat to save his father’s house.

In dearth his brethren came

seeking bread of life,

and Joseph, forgiving,

nourished them

without money, gold, or price

and preserved by great

deliverance posterity of promise.

Again the famine waxes sore;

many hunger for truth and right.

The waning world wants

purpose, courage, honor,

knowledge, mercy, life.

Know that you have bread

to fill the need.

Remember, oh, remember,

you are Joseph’s seed!

Photography by Craig Dimond
