undefined undefined Family Home Evening Helps: ‘I’ll Be Nephi’
Family Home Evening Helps: ‘I’ll Be Nephi’
March 2004

“Family Home Evening Helps: ‘I’ll Be Nephi’” Ensign, Mar. 2004, 73

Family Home Evening Helps: “I’ll Be Nephi”

A couple of years ago, my husband and I discovered an effective teaching method to involve our young children: dramatizations. Using items found around the house, we decided to bring to life segments of the “journey in the wilderness” made by Lehi’s family (see 1 Ne. 3:9).

Before the lesson, we sketched a cityscape of Jerusalem on a large piece of paper and attached it to one of our living room walls. Next, we found linens to create simple character costumes and kitchen items to resemble a Liahona. A card table draped with a blanket served as our tent in the wilderness.

Draped in our costumes, we listened as the lesson began to unfold from 1 Nephi. My husband, dressed to represent Father Lehi, shared a message about the importance of obeying Heavenly Father (see 1 Ne. 2:2–3). Then we departed from “Jerusalem” and camped in our tent (see 1 Ne. 2:6). Father Lehi then awoke from a dream and instructed our children to return to Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates (see 1 Ne. 3:2–4). They returned, lugging their father’s set of scriptures. We then used our Liahona to wend our way slowly to the land of “Bountiful,” represented by our ficus tree and a dried fruit mix (see 1 Ne. 16:10–16; 1 Ne. 17:5). Our couch then became the turbulent ship that we sailed to the promised land (see 1 Ne. 17:1–4; 1 Ne. 18:8–25).

By weaving scripture stories with a hands-on activity, our initial lesson was such a success that our children immediately requested more reenactments. Our “journey in the wilderness” taught us that children crave experiences that draw them closer to gospel teachings.

Ellen Gregory, Preston Third Ward, Preston Idaho North Stake

For more ideas on creative teaching, refer to Teaching, No Greater Call (item no. 36123; U.S. $2.00), pages 159–84.

Illustrated by Beth Whittaker