Making the Most of This Issue
April 2004

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Apr. 2004, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

April 2004

Especially for Parents

Do you wish you and your spouse had more time to talk about the gospel together? One couple found that after their brief, simple lesson with their young family, they could enjoy continued study together in another less formal version of Family Home Evening. See “Family Home Evening Times Two” in Random Sampler, page 73.

Finding a Firm Foundation

In this ever-shifting world, Christ is our only promise of a sure foundation. “We will find no fissures in His foundation. He never disappoints us. He never falters. His love never fails. He never fails to bring to pass His purposes,” says Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Building on Christ’s foundation requires us to emulate His character, as Elder Maxwell explains in “The Precious Promise,” page 42.

Knowing the Master Healer

Anyone who has been sick or undergone surgery is familiar with the process of healing. But have you ever considered how similar the process of spiritual healing is? Elaine S. Marshall, dean of Brigham Young University’s College of Nursing, shares lessons she has learned in her profession and ties them to the spiritual healing we all can seek. See “Lessons on Healing,” page 56.

From Pain to Peace

Could she forgive the father who had sexually abused her? A woman recounts her own journey from pain to peace and explains how she determined not to let her past destroy her or her family’s life today. See “My Quest to Forgive,” page 52.

Coping with Unemployment

The financial, emotional, and physical stress of job loss can take its toll not only on you but also on your marriage. Read how one couple dealt with the problem in “Helping Marriage Survive Unemployment: Seven Principles,” page 62.

Worldwide Influence for Good

Since its restoration 175 years ago, the priesthood has given worthy men opportunities to perform sacred gospel ordinances. Read in their own words how Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood holders throughout the world are honoring the priesthood and blessing lives of the members around them. See “Priesthood Restored,” page 18.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find your monthly messages on page 2 and page 71.

General Conference Online

You may know that you can watch general conference proceedings live April 3–4 on the Internet, but you may not know that transcripts of conference addresses will be available online prior to their publication in the Ensign and Liahona. The talks, which will be available online in 41 languages, are scheduled to be posted 7 April at www.lds.org.