undefined undefined Priesthood Restoration Event Is Set
Priesthood Restoration Event Is Set
May 2004

“Priesthood Restoration Event Is Set,” Ensign, May 2004, 123

Priesthood Restoration Event Is Set

A broadcast commemorating the 175th anniversary of the restoration of the priesthood will be held Sunday, 16 May 2004, at 6:00 P.M. MDT in the Conference Center. The event will be broadcast in 66 languages in 80 countries. All brethren 12 years of age and older are encouraged to attend at their respective stake centers wherever it is available.

In a letter to Church leaders, President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, encouraged wards and branches to commemorate the anniversary in a special sacrament meeting between 16 May and 13 June 2004.