Making the Most of This Issue
June 2004

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, June 2004, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

June 2004


Married and single members may feel they don’t have much in common, but the gospel unites us no matter our background. Find suggestions for bridging the gap in “Seeing beyond Single,” page 36.

Accepting Differences

Our own attitudes toward people with cultural, physical, or mental differences are powerful tools in teaching our children, especially when coupled with the Savior’s example. As Sister Gayle M. Clegg explains, “We want to help our children retain the Christlike attributes of meekness, humility, and compassion. We want them to have hearts full of love for everyone.” See “Teaching Our Children to Accept Differences,” page 40.

The Well-Schooled Heart

Are you preparing a missionary? Preparing for a mission yourself? Wanting to teach a friend? You’ll find valuable help in “Teaching from the Heart,” an interview with Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Charles Didier of the Presidency of the Seventy, page 6.

His Constant Help

The Savior can respond to our requests for help by giving immediate relief, in-creasing our capacity, or trying our faith, Elder Flávio A. Cooper explains. No matter what, He’ll never forsake us. See “He Knows Our Suffering,” page 14.

A Blueprint for Teaching

Building a lesson from Teachings of Presidents of the Church can be simpler and more effective for Relief Society and priesthood instructors who use these tools. See page 62.

A Mighty—and Continual—Change

We might be converted through a single, heart-shaping event or a slow process, but holding onto that conversion is a lifelong pursuit for all of us. See “A Change of Heart” by Elder Gerald A. Mead, page 18.

Home Evening for Your Less-Active Family

You want family home evening, but loved ones don’t share your faith? Six key elements helped one woman involve everyone in her family and strengthen her own conviction. See “Bringing Church Home,” page 25.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find your monthly messages on page 2 and page 61.

Worldwide Church on the Worldwide Web

Do you have a special interest in the Church in Chile? Norway? Taiwan? You can find out what’s going on in the Church in specific countries by logging on to www.lds.org and clicking on the “Country Sites” link in the upper-right corner of the home page. The sites, which are maintained locally, offer news and other country-specific information, as well as links to resources on the Church’s main Web site. Several sites have already been launched; an estimated 33 will be completed by the end of 2004 with several more under way for 2005.
