undefined undefined Comment
October 2004

“Comment,” Ensign, Oct. 2004, 78


Depression Is a Widespread Disease

I cannot thank you enough for the article “When Your Child Is Depressed” in the August 2004 issue. I have both a spouse and a child who struggle with depression. I want to help them but have been at a loss over what I can do to help. So it was an answer to prayer that this article was printed when it was. I feel it was printed just for me, although I know that depression is a very widespread disease and many other parents must be feeling as I do. I especially appreciated how Sean Brotherson focused most of his article on what I can actively do to help my child.

Thank you again for your inspiring articles that continue to give me hope in the midst of trial.
Name withheld

Thank you for the great article addressing how parents can cope with children who struggle with depression. This is such a challenge, as my wife and I know firsthand. It’s a topic we were all afraid to discuss a few years ago. We are so pleased that the Church is addressing these tough issues and offering support to loved ones of those who struggle. Keep up the great work!
Brad Douglas, Windridge Ward, Kaysville Utah Haight Creek Stake

Sharing the Gospel in Prison

I was so touched to read the Comment letter printed in the August Ensign. I just wanted to give a different perspective. I am the daughter of one of those in prison. I know how much it means to my dad to have members visit and teach him. I also know how much it means to him to have my friends write to him and bear their testimonies. There are so many opportunities to share the gospel in the prison systems. I am grateful that his faith has not faltered, and I hope that members of the Church will be willing to take time to serve these people and their families—the wife who is left struggling, the children who need the priesthood in their lives. It is hard to have my dad taken away from me, but I know what a difference it makes to have people show genuine concern and the pure love of Christ toward me and my family.
Name withheld

Articles an Enormous Help

I just want to thank all those who work on the Ensign for the enormous help the articles in the August issue have been to me personally and in my calling. Thank you for all you do.
Bishop David Whitehouse, Banbury Ward, Northampton England Stake