undefined undefined Comment
February 2005

“Comment,” Ensign, Feb. 2005, 79


Photographs Evoke Memories

I wish to express my gratitude to all the photographers who give of their time during conference. Two years ago my parents, my five-year-old son Jacob, and I made a quick trip to Salt Lake City for a family wedding. While there, we had time to visit Temple Square. The other day I heard Jacob call, “Mom, come quick.” As I hurried to him to see what was wrong, I found him pointing to a picture in the November 2004 Ensign, a photo of the outside of the visitors’ center showing the statue of the Christus through the window. “Mom, that’s where I want to go again,” he said.

Until that day I didn’t realize the impact our visit had on him. He is now seven, but his feelings are still very strong, and your photo reminded him of a special time. Thank you again for all you give to our Heavenly Father’s children.
Eva Streibel, Queensland Ward, Calgary Alberta South Stake

Parents with Different Standards

I was touched by the article “Parents with Different Standards” in the October 2004 issue. As an adult convert to the Church, I felt the items discussed in the article reflected exactly many of the difficult things I have struggled with for some years, both before and after joining the Church. The sentiments expressed in the article brought me to tears and put into words what I have felt and experienced. Thank you for helping me understand that I am not alone in struggling to make peace and cope with parents who do not share my gospel standards.
Name withheld


I absolutely loved reading the October 2004 Gospel Classic about the miracles our Heavenly Father performed through Elder Matthew Cowley. I always look forward to the Gospel Classics.
Jared Benware, Riverdale Second Ward, Riverdale Utah Stake