undefined undefined First Presidency Celebrates 10 Years
First Presidency Celebrates 10 Years
June 2005

“First Presidency Celebrates 10 Years,” Ensign, June 2005, 74–75

First Presidency Celebrates 10 Years

A decade after being called to lead the Church, President Gordon B. Hinckley and the counselors in the First Presidency, President Thomas S. Monson and President James E. Faust, discussed in a news conference many of the challenges and achievements within the Church during the last 10 years and expressed continued optimism for the future.

President Hinckley remarked that several significant things have blessed the lives of members and others since the day he became the 15th President of the Church.

He mentioned the announcement and success of establishing the Perpetual Education Fund, the construction of the Conference Center, the distribution of more than 50 million copies of the Book of Mormon in the last 10 years, and the allocation of a significant amount in humanitarian aid to those in need.

President Hinckley spoke briefly about the traveling he has done since 1995. He has traveled to more than 70 nations and logged more than one million miles (1.6 million km).

“It becomes very tiring, very wearisome, but it’s very faith promoting,” he said. “When you get out among the people and see their strength and their capacity, their devotion and their love, it’s a wonderful thing, really. You just can’t believe it until you experience it, and it’s tremendous.”

President Hinckley praised his counselors as men of wisdom, faith, and devotion, saying he couldn’t find any two men better suited to serve with him.

President Monson and President Faust spoke of their admiration for the work President Hinckley does.

“He is a man of vision who does not take counsel from his fears,” President Monson said. “He plans, he prepares, he prays, then with that prophetic influence which comes to him … he moves forward with faith.”

President Hinckley said he was not concerned about what he and his counselors will be remembered for. “We just do our very best today and leave the rest for whatever happens,” he said.

Deseret Morning News contributed to this report.

President Gordon B. Hinckley, center, and the counselors in the First Presidency, President Thomas S. Monson, left, and President James E. Faust, have served together for 10 years.

Since President Hinckley was called as President of the Church in 1995, 87 temples have been dedicated, rededicated, or announced. (Photograph by Ravell Call, courtesy of Church News.)