Making the Most of This Issue
July 2005

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, July 2005, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

July 2005

Family Matters

  • “The secret of a happy marriage is to serve God and each other,” taught President Ezra Taft Benson. To learn more about the responsibility spouses have to love and care for each other and for their children, see page 66.

  • Stepfamilies can create some unique challenges. If you are a parent in a step-family, see page 61 for some wise counsel.

The Blessing of a Body

When you look in the mirror, what do you feel about the physical part of you? A healthy view of our physical bodies is important to our spirituality in a society that preaches a distorted perspective about this fundamental blessing of mortality. See page 14.

Elder Eyring on Scripture Study

“The scriptures were one of the ways God spoke to me—even when I was a child—about my needs, my situation, and my life. They still are. Since our needs change over a lifetime, God has different things to tell us at different times,” Elder Henry B. Eyring of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles teaches. To read more of his insights, see page 22.

The Quest for Joy

Have you ever yearned to experience more joy? Or do you want to understand what joy really is and what it is not? Barbara Workman views joy through the lens of missionary service, but her insights can apply to us all. See page 50.

Why Adversity?

  • “It has been said that into every life a little rain must fall,” writes Elder D. Allen Andersen of the Seventy. “But why does it sometimes seem that it pours?” If you have ever asked yourself this question, you’ll be interested in his answers. See page 8.

  • A related article, “Growth through Setbacks,” by Elder James M. Dunn of the Seventy gives added insight. See page 12.

The Presiding Bishopric

Have you ever wondered what the Presiding Bishop of the Church does? Bishop Keith B. McMullin, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, continues the series on priesthood quorums. See page 46.

The Ensign Opened Their Door

When a father wouldn’t let the home teachers visit his family, they sent the Ensign instead, and the magazine opened the way. See page 49. You can also send a gift subscription to the Ensign. Please see the box, right column.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 55.

Leaving Nauvoo

About a year and a half after the mob martyred the Prophet Joseph Smith, enemies of the Church drove the Saints from Nauvoo, their “City Beautiful.” This month’s arts package features the exodus from Nauvoo, page 40.
