Making the Most of This Issue
August 2005

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Aug. 2005, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

August 2005

The Book of Mormon

  • In his message “A Testimony Vibrant and True” (page 2), President Gordon B. Hinckley challenges members to read the Book of Mormon before Joseph Smith’s 200th birthday on December 23.

  • President Marion G. Romney (1897–1988) once said, “For me there could be no more impelling reason for reading the Book of Mormon than this statement that we who have the Book of Mormon shall be judged by what is written in it.” To read more of President Romney’s insights on studying the Book of Mormon, see page 8.

Strengthen Your Marriage

  • A young missionary is prompted by the Spirit to give a new member some marriage advice that all married couples could learn from. See page 68.

  • The challenge of infertility can be heart-wrenching, but it can also result in faith and personal growth. See page 58.

  • Elder W. Douglas Shumway writes: “It is one thing to wed within the new and everlasting covenant and another to abide in that covenant. … How do we abide in the covenant?” For answers to this important question, see page 18.

Fighting Internet Filth

Do you worry about pornography finding its way into your home through a phone line? For ideas on what you can do to protect your family against this flood of filth, see page 54.

Get Caught Up in Family History

  • Do you have old family photographs sitting in a box somewhere? They have a way of drawing our thoughts to the past, but we need to properly preserve them. For some tips on preserving and displaying old photos, see page 38.

  • To read stories about how family history can change your life and bring great satisfaction, see page 42 and page 44.

Helping Members with Special Needs

Are there members in your ward who struggle with physical, mental, or behavioral disabilities? Have you wondered how you might serve these individuals and their families? See page 12.

Leadership Principles for Auxiliaries

“May I give you a word of caution as you plan your activities,” says Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Make sure that the essential needs are met, but do not go overboard in creating so many good things to do that the essential ones are not accomplished.” For more counsel from Elder Scott to priesthood and auxiliary leaders, see page 62.

The Quorums of the Seventy

“Do you understand the manner in which the Quorums of the Seventy are organized or the functions Seventies serve?” asks Elder Earl C. Tingey of the Presidency of the Seventy. For insights on these growing quorums of Church leaders, see page 48.

Don’t Miss It!

If you’re approaching retirement age—or if you’ve already reached it—you should be interested in why one missionary couple says they wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to serve “for the world.” See page 51.

Saved by Grace?

Are we saved by grace or by obedience? What exactly is the relationship between faith and works? If you’ve wondered about these questions, see page 22.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 61.
