Making the Most of This Issue
October 2005

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, Oct. 2005, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

October 2005

Strengthening Your Marriage, Your Family

  • A wedding in the temple may mean nothing if you can’t help your marriage succeed in mortality. Learn some ways to make sure your marriage really is eternal—beginning now. See “Eternal Marriage Begins in Mortality,” page 45.

  • This month’s “Strengthening the Family” explores the idea that husbands and wives are obligated to help each other as equal partners in their sacred responsibilities as fathers and mothers. See page 8.

  • Are your home evenings a joyful family time? A few readers tell how they have made family home evening the most rewarding evening of the week in “Family Home Evening: It’s a Matter of Time,” page 10.

Money or Mission?

Patrick Gill wasn’t sure he wanted to go on a mission. He had a great job, a new car, and everything he wanted. But he wasn’t happy. To read about how the Lord answered the prayers of Patrick and his family, see page 28.

Flooding the Earth

In 1988 President Ezra Taft Benson challenged Church members to fulfill the Lord’s commandments regarding the Book of Mormon. “We must flood the earth with the Book of Mormon—and get out from under God’s condemnation for having treated it lightly (see D&C 84:54–58).” To read President Benson’s landmark address, see the Gospel Classic on page 60.

Keys of the Priesthood

“Why is it important that bearers of the priesthood prepare to serve with power?” asks Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Because the priesthood is of eternal significance. … Those who hold priesthood keys need to understand how to use those keys wisely and righteously.” See page 40.

Myths about Mental Illness

Does someone you know suffer from a mental illness? Chances are, the answer is yes. Elder Alexander B. Morrison, formerly of the Seventy, discusses seven common myths and misconceptions about mental illness that can often bring pain and prejudice. See page 31.

Home Teachers, Visiting Teachers

Find the monthly messages on page 2 and page 53.

It’s a Wonderful Gift

And it’s going to arrive, free, with your December Ensign. It’s the classic Mr. Krueger’s Christmas, starring Jimmy Stewart.

This 25th anniversary DVD version is newly remastered with improved picture and sound to enhance the music of the Tabernacle Choir. This short, heartwarming film is ideal for viewing with those you’d like to receive the gospel message.

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