“Cultural Arts and Music Submissions Deadlines Approaching,” Ensign, Jan. 2006, 76
Cultural Arts and Music Submissions Deadlines Approaching
The deadline for members of the Church to submit uplifting musical and theatrical works is only a few months away. Music submissions are due on March 31, 2006, and cultural arts submissions are due on April 1, 2006.
According to the Music and Cultural Arts Division of the Priesthood Department, the purpose of the submission program is threefold: to encourage members to develop their talents, to recognize the ability of members to seek and create music and scripts that are wholesome and uplifting, and to encourage members to express themselves in a manner that conveys their gratitude for and testimonies of the gospel.
Music Submissions
The submission system provides a way for musical works to be evaluated regularly. Each year, about 50 musical works are recognized through this evaluation process. Of those, some are recognized on the Church music Web site, and others are sent on to the Church magazines for possible publication. Each author retains the copyright to the musical piece and is sent a letter regarding the status of his or her work.
Selected musical works are presented during one of two events. The Relief Society entries are presented in the Relief Society Music Festival, held in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square each October. All remaining selected entries are presented in the Church Music Festival each February.
Music submission guidelines can be found by visiting www.lds.org/churchmusic and clicking on “Share your musical talents.”
Cultural Arts Submissions
In November 2005 the Cultural Arts Submission Presentation took place for the first time at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. A cast of actors representing members of any ward or branch showcased excerpts from selected scripts. The presentation will continue as an annual event. Some scripts may be selected for distribution through the Church’s distribution centers.
Scripts may be dramas, comedies, musicals, readers’ theaters, oratorios, or even poetry. The scripts should be suitable for ward/branch or stake/district use, be a minimum of one act long, teach gospel principles in uplifting ways, be doctrinally correct, and be Church-oriented and accurate if historically based. Submissions are welcome in all languages.
Submissions should include:
Two copies of the script and any applicable music on 8 1/2 x 11 inch (22 x 28 cm) paper.
A statement signed by all contributors that says, “The work submitted, entitled ________ , is my original work, is owned by me, and conforms to the submission rules.”
A cover letter with the piece’s title; author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address; central theme; synopsis; and cast requirements.
The names of all contributors should appear on the cover letter, script, and signed statement. Authors of productions accepted by the committee may be asked to grant the Church a nonexclusive, perpetual license for unlimited use.
Send submissions to: Church Theatrical Script Submission, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2082, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150-6070, USA. For more information, call 1-801-240-6492.
Actors representing members of a typical ward perform one of several theatrical works presented at the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. (Photograph by Christina Smith.)