Making the Most of This Issue
June 2006

“Making the Most of This Issue,” Ensign, June 2006, 80

Making the Most of This Issue

June 2006

The Prophet of the Restoration

New Movie about Joseph Smith

In December 2005, 200 years after Joseph Smith’s birth, a new movie about the Prophet’s life opened in many Church visitors’ centers around the world. To view scenes from the movie and read a description of how it was produced, see page 40.

Profile of a Prophet

In this Gospel Classic, President Hugh B. Brown (1883–1975) describes a memorable conversation he had with a justice of the Supreme Court of England about the Prophet Joseph Smith. Afterward the distinguished gentleman asked pointedly, “Do you appreciate the import of what you say?” See page 34.

For Families

Six Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong

Marriage can be like a yo-yo with its ups and downs. For some good suggestions on avoiding the downs and keeping your marriage strong, see page 53.

Family Home Evening Fun

Family Home Evening doesn’t have to be formal and stiff. This article shows how having fun together can make a great family home evening. See page 27.

The Blessings of Adoption

“Although I did not fully comprehend the complexities of the decision she had made,” writes Eve Burch, “I was incredibly grateful that my birth mother had chosen to give me something she could not provide herself.” Meeting her many years later was a great blessing for two lives. See page 58.

Dividing the Estate Without Dividing the Family

If you had to divide up your parents’ estate, could you do it in a way that would satisfy everyone in the family? For some basic guidelines that can help preserve harmony at such a difficult time, see page 62.

For Singles

Dating Versus Hanging Out

Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said: “My single young friends, we counsel you to channel your associations with the opposite sex into dating patterns that have the potential to mature into marriage, not hanging out patterns that only have the prospect to mature into team sports like touch football.” To read more of Elder Oaks’s counsel, see page 10.

He Says, She Says

Nervous about dating? Trying to date more and hang out less? Single Church members share ideas that have helped their dating experiences go more smoothly. See page 17.

Charity and Friendship

An Experiment with Friendship

A student in Karen Case Ho-Ching’s school class was constantly disruptive—until class members had an idea. To read about the startling change their “experiment” created, see page 8.

Does Modesty Matter?

Is modesty in dress a problem in your family or for someone you know? To read how many Church members have succeeded in dressing modestly and teaching modesty in the family, ward, or stake, see page 22.

Inspiring Experiences

Can the Spirit warn us in times of personal danger? When faced with a serious health concern, have you turned to the Savior for comfort? For stories of these and other inspiring experiences, see pages 45, 50, and 65–68.

Home, Visiting Teaching

For this month’s messages, see page 2 and page 61.
