undefined undefined Comment
June 2006

“Comment,” Ensign, June 2006, 79


Hope and Comfort

I have received and continue to receive so much hope and comfort from the beautiful message “Put Your Trust in God” by President Gordon B. Hinckley in the February 2006 issue. I have shared it with others who are struggling with adversity.

Last March I was diagnosed with a rare, incurable type of cancer, and I felt we were traveling in a “terrible wilderness.” Every source of encouragement and hope has been necessary in this interesting time. Thank you for that welcome message by President Hinckley.
Dawne I. Gibson, Michigan

An Often-Forgotten Population

I was excited to see in the February 2006 Ensign the article “Church Programs Assist Often-Forgotten Population.” I have often wondered if the Church had such a program, and my prayers were answered with this article.

I have been incarcerated for two years now and am the only member of the Church at this facility. The Ensign has been my major contact with the Church for most of that time. I look forward each month to its arrival and the messages of hope and faith it brings with it. I especially treasure each of the conference issues for the messages from the First Presidency and other General Authorities. Thank you so much for the light and faith it brings with it each month into this often dark and dreary place.
Name Withheld

Comfort from the Proclamation

I appreciated E. Jeffrey Hill’s article “The Proclamation: A Guide, a Comfort, and an Inspiration” in April’s Ensign. I related fully to the article. Many memorized scriptures have filled my mind with comfort and understanding at various times in my life, but particularly since the death of my husband. I appreciate the honesty given to an emotional subject and the message of hope, that we truly do have a loving Heavenly Father who is aware of us individually. Thank you for an insightful article,
Tammy Mulford, Utah

March 12

The April 2006 Ensign has changed March 12 for me. In 2003, March 12 was the day I returned home from serving as a missionary in Taiwan. I wanted to celebrate March 12 every year in ways to thank my Heavenly Father and my Savior for allowing me to serve Them in that way.

Then on March 12, 2004, my best friend from high school took her own life. Suddenly March 12 became a day on which I could find no happiness. I felt guilty to be so blessed with an LDS upbringing, the opportunity to serve a mission, and a temple marriage to a wonderful husband. How could I celebrate my blessings now?

Nancy May’s article “Our Journey to the Temple” (April 2006) helped me feel that I can still find joy in the blessings God has bestowed on me—both before and after every March 12 of my life.
Sarah Smith, Colorado