Call for Articles
July 2006

“Call for Articles,” Ensign, July 2006, 79

Call for Articles

Are you a Church member with a physical disability? Or are you a caretaker, teacher, or leader of someone with such a disability? We invite you to submit personal accounts of how you or others have adapted Church programs or materials to fit the needs of those with physical disabilities.

Please send your submission (500 words or less) by August 21, 2006, to ensign@ldschurch.org or to Ensign Editorial, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3220, USA. Clearly mark your submission “Adapting,” and at the top of your submission, write your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and ward and stake (or branch and district).

While we cannot acknowledge receipt of individual responses, authors whose submissions are selected for publication will be notified. If you would like your manuscript returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and allow up to a year.
