undefined undefined Comment
August 2006

“Comment,” Ensign, Aug. 2006, 79


The Prophet of the Restoration

The article “Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration” (June 2006) shows and tells the majesty of not only a great human being but a magnificent prophet chosen for this day and age. The new film has already touched and lifted many lives with increased testimony. Thanks to the Ensign for the previews of this stirring rendition of the Restoration and its restorer. Without Brother Joseph we are not whole and have not the truth.
Joel Marks, Oregon

Art Appreciation

I am writing to express my great satisfaction with the recent sections of art depicting LDS religious themes in the past several issues of the Ensign. These sections give me a chance to sate what has become an appetite for the visual arts and to experience the gospel in so vivid a medium. My missionary labors don’t provide many opportunities to appreciate the humanities, so I am especially grateful each time a new Ensign arrives. I often use the small pictures to decorate my books, or I put them where I can see them often. Thank you.
Elder Daniel Garcia, Brazil Goiânia Mission

A Dark and Rocky Road

As a correctional officer and a member of the Church who works in a state prison in Arizona, I can attest to you that unless one either works in a prison or is incarcerated in such a place, one can never really know what a pressure cooker our incarcerated brothers and sisters face on what is most assuredly a very dark and rocky road to repentance. They can use all the help they can get, and the Ensign is an excellent lifeline for them. It is always heart-warming when I deliver a copy of the Ensign or Church News. LDS inmates are among the best behaved and least troublesome of inmates. In a difficult job like mine, that’s very gratifying.
Tim Heavrin, Arizona