Dear Son
September 2006

“Dear Son,” Ensign, Sept. 2006, 73

Dear Son

When my first child was just seven weeks old, I began writing “journal letters” to him. I wanted to express feelings I might otherwise forget to share later. With each entry in a notebook journal, I addressed a letter to him, describing how he was growing and things I had observed him doing. I also shared advice and my testimony, as well as comments on worldwide, community, and family events. Soon my husband wanted to join in the writing, and we made it a regular Sunday practice.

I have since invited his grandparents to write entries also. Now that we have our third child, I type their journals on the computer, copying and pasting the parts I want to share with all of them. I also like to add digital pictures to enhance what I have written. Then each year for their birthdays, I give them a personal copy of their previous year’s journal.

It brings me great joy to know that through these journals our children have lasting records of our strong love for them, the gospel, and our Savior.
Emily Cushing, Utah
