March 2007

“Comment,” Ensign, Mar. 2007, 80


An Inspiring Rescue

Thank you for the article in the December Ensign about the 1856 rescue of the handcart companies. The article was well researched, finely written, and highly inspiring. The authors clearly put a significant amount of time and effort into writing this captivating story. I am grateful to them for this wonderful article.
Jeff Ehlers, Utah

Getting Back on Track

Your article “Getting Back on Track” in the January issue was of great interest to me. Wayne Sidwell, whose family returned to the Church because of loving Primary teachers, was my parents’ home teacher. My parents had also been “derailed from the gospel by a series of choices,” but because of Brother Sidwell’s efforts in visiting them monthly over the course of many years, they too were eventually set “back on the strait and narrow track.” Since then, my parents have served as temple workers and have served a mission. Brother Sidwell magnified his calling and became an instrument in the Lord’s hands. My brothers and I will be eternally grateful to him.
Debby Croshaw, Idaho

Feeling United

When I received the November Ensign with the general conference talks, I read it right through and am now rereading one talk each morning. I would like to say how much I enjoy the pictures in this issue—the families, the children, the priesthood session attendees. I was just looking at the picture on page 118 of the sisters in St. Petersburg gathered for the Relief Society general meeting and had such a feeling of worldwide sisterhood. Thank you for the work you do in making us feel united wherever we live.
Carol Dunkley, Australia

Answers and Peace

The past few days I have been touched by the Spirit as I have read and pondered from the Church magazines. The words of “The Temple Is about Families” (Nov. 2006), given at the last general conference, and “What I Have Learned about Mighty Prayer” (Dec. 2006) spoke to my heart and gave me answers and peace I have been seeking. More important, they taught me once again that Heavenly Father and the Savior are aware of me, understand my struggles, and are prepared to help me if I will ask.
Sue Hirase, Utah

The Name Is Caspar

On page 44 of the December Ensign you show a map tracing the route of the handcart pioneers. (This same map is also found in the July 2006 issue on pages 42 and 44.) Each map spells Fort Caspar as “Fort Casper.” This is incorrect, as the fort was named for Caspar Collins. His name was misspelled when the city in Wyoming was named for him. Additional information about how the spelling of the city and fort came to be different can be found on the official Fort Caspar Web site: www.fortcasparwyoming.com/Fortbuil.asp.
Beth Anderson, Wyoming
