undefined undefined Ready-Made Music Lessons
Ready-Made Music Lessons
March 2007

“Ready-Made Music Lessons,” Ensign, Mar. 2007, 72–73

Ready-Made Music Lessons

In my various roles as Sunbeam teacher, Primary music leader, and family home evening mom, I have often used the music CD tucked inside the front cover of the Primary 1 manual (I Am a Child of God). It provides a variety of music-and-motion activities for young, restless bodies. For instance, children can learn about basic music by moving to high and low notes as well as different rhythms. Recently, our junior Primary, which consists of more than 80 children, was having a hard time paying attention during singing time. As soon as I turned on the CD, they listened intently and followed my actions as suggested by the narrator. Together we enjoyed a ready-made, interactive singing activity that helped us to get the wiggles out as we learned about music.

Note: The manual (item no. 34969; $11.50 U.S.) comes with a picture packet and CD (50004; $.75 U.S.). Both items are also available separately at LDS distribution centers or online at www.ldscatalog.com.
Kerry Griffin Smith, Idaho