Conference Story Index
May 2007

“Conference Story Index,” Ensign, May 2007, 118

Conference Story Index

Following is a list of selected experiences from general conference talks for reference in personal study, family home evening, and other teaching. (Page numbers refer to the first page of the talk.)



Doctrines or Principles

President Gordon B. Hinckley

young Joseph F. Smith meets prophets in a dream, 60

cleanliness, obedience

young Gordon attends tithing settlement, 115

tithing, faith

President Thomas S. Monson

four children with muscular dystrophy, 22

love, eternal life

girl addressed in conference decides to be baptized, 41

faith, baptism

blesses sick friend in Navy, 57

gratitude, power of priesthood

blesses a dying father at family’s request, 57

tithing, power of priesthood

President James E. Faust

young priest ordains a teacher, 54

testimony, power of priesthood

families find peace in forgiving those who killed loved ones, 67

forgiveness, humility

President Boyd K. Packer

receives assurance as he hears Primary choir, 26

inspiration, music

Elder L. Tom Perry

deacons quorum president helps activate boys, 85

activation, service, priesthood keys

Elder Russell M. Nelson

woman mired in sin seeks forgiveness, 102

repentance, hope

Elder M. Russell Ballard

gratitude for those who preserved Bible, 80

scriptures, sacrifice

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

learns not to take eye off ball, 45

obedience, diligence

resists cheating, 45

honesty, courage

Elder Robert D. Hales

pilot refuses to learn emergency procedures, 48

obedience, preparation

pilot, disoriented at night, crashes, 48

obedience, faith

Elder David A. Bednar

parable of the pickles and spiritual transformation, 19

spiritual rebirth, sanctification

Elder Jay E. Jensen

missionaries’ singing opens way for conversion, 11

missionary work, music

Elder John B. Dickson

young man commits to keep Word of Wisdom, 14

Word of Wisdom, obedience

Bonnie D. Parkin

family blessing basket, 34

gratitude, adversity

thanks from Relief Society sister, 34

gratitude, love

Bishop Keith B. McMullin

early failure in school and football, 51

preparation, diligence

Vicki F. Matsumori

investigator prays about baptism, 76

prayer, faith

help with Church talk from her father, 76

family, honesty

Elder Glenn L. Pace

young woman is only member in her high school, 78

adversity, courage

as a boy, he gains testimony, 78

testimony, faith

Elder Gary J. Coleman

conversion as college student, 92

revelation, baptism

Charles W. Dahlquist II

pioneer’s baptism despite opposition, 94

adversity, sacrifice

finds mother praying for him, 94

prayer, parenthood

Elder Yoshihiko Kikuchi

the Lord ends drought as Saints pay tithing, 97

tithing, faith, obedience

Susan W. Tanner

young women at camp recognize virtuous qualities, 106

example, unity

witness that Heavenly Father knows each child, 106

divine nature, love

Julie B. Beck

faith of Ruth May Fox, 109

sacrifice, example

young woman works on Personal Progress, 109

faith, activation

Share with Others

Have you or your family had a good experience learning from general conference talks? Tell us about it. Label your account (no more than 400 words) “Learning from Conference,” and send it to liahona@ldschurch.org or ensign@ldschurch.org or to Church Magazines, Room 2420, 50 E. North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA.
