“Elder Claudio D. Zivic,” Ensign, May 2007, 126
Elder Claudio D. Zivic
Of the Seventy

Elder Claudio Daniel Zivic believes that when we are striving to live right, we can trust that God will guide us.
Elder Zivic was born on December 19, 1948, to Latter-day Saint parents Sergio Jorge Zivic and Eleonora Zalewski Zivic in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a 15-year-old runner, he ranked second nationally in his age group in the 800 meters. His greatest desire was to compete in the Olympics, and his coach, a former Olympic decathlete, believed he could do it—if he would only give up his reluctance to compete on Sundays.
“I had to choose,” says Elder Zivic. “In the end I felt competing wasn’t what the Lord wanted for me.”
Elder Zivic faced another difficult decision when it came time to choose a vocation. For four straight years of secondary school, he had to take an additional end-of-year test in accounting because he did so poorly in the subject during the year.
“I really didn’t like accounting,” he says. But when he prayerfully considered his career path, he felt strongly that he should go into accounting. Trusting in the Lord, he received his accounting degree from the University of Buenos Aires and enjoyed a career as a certified public accountant.
Elder Zivic can see the Lord’s guidance throughout his life. “If we’re living right, He will bless us,” Elder Zivic says. “Things will fall into place most naturally.”
After his military service, he and his wife, Dina Noemí Alvarez, were sealed on January 9, 1979, in the São Paulo Brazil Temple.
Prior to his call to the First Quorum of the Seventy, Elder Zivic served as elders quorum president, institute teacher, bishop, stake high councilor, counselor to a stake president, temple ordinance worker, regional representative, president of the Spain Bilbao Mission, and Second Counselor in the South America South Area Presidency.