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Help for Those with Visual Impairments
August 2007

“Help for Those with Visual Impairments,” Ensign, Aug. 2007, 74–75

Help for Those with Visual Impairments

In 1999 I underwent the last of a series of eye operations that, unfortunately, left me blind in both eyes. Among the many life changes I suddenly encountered, I really missed reading my scriptures and the priesthood and Sunday School lessons. I also longed to volunteer to read aloud in class again or join in singing all the words of the hymns.

Fortunately, I learned to read braille at a local center for the blind. This skill opened up a new world for me. I soon learned that Church magazines, as well as priesthood and Relief Society lessons, are available on cassette tapes for the visually impaired. I also ordered several Church materials in braille: scriptures, a hymnbook, and a Teachings of Presidents of the Church manual.

Later, I was called to be an elders quorum instructor. A braille manual and lessons on tape helped me prepare for and lead class discussions. I also blessed the sacrament using a braille copy of the sacrament prayers. Now I am working with the young men and have studied several manuals and guidebooks that have helped me understand my calling and responsibilities.

I am grateful for the Church curriculum materials that have helped me to progress despite my visual impairment. Because of them I more fully enjoy the light of the gospel.
Donald Peters, Nevada

Note: A variety of materials for the visually impaired are available at LDS distribution centers or online at www.ldscatalog.com. Click on “Materials for Those with Disabilities.” U.S. and Canadian residents may also call the Salt Lake Distribution Center at 1-800-537-5971.